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Ventriloquists 2021 / 05-Dream Narratives 腹語系之五:夢敘事

Ventriloquists 2021 / 05-Dream Narratives 腹語系之五:夢敘事

Dreams are a place for the human brain’s sub- and unconscious; they are a space beyond the boundaries of reality and the everyday, but are the vibrant forces impregnating several works in The Ventriloquists 2, as Elizabeth Biek introduces them. 「夢」是我們的潛意識和下意識的彰顯,繪形繪聲,卻與現實和日常不同領域。這裡所介紹的幾個「腹語系」作品看來甚為日常,夢的流量卻溢滿、迴旋。

Floating Projects Collective 2024