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The Ventriloquists 16. Narrative pictograms: Inception, Flowers of Shanghai… 時空囊的兩個形態:《潛行凶間》、《海上花》

The Ventriloquists 16. Narrative pictograms: Inception, Flowers of Shanghai… 時空囊的兩個形態:《潛行凶間》、《海上花》

Narrative pictograms’ view on two kinds of time and space — the brothel as chronotope, timeless space (Flowers of Shanghai), and nested realities in the virtual worlds of the mind as dreamwork (Inception) — presented at Ventriloquists…Thinking Narratively, 4-19 July 2020. 如果敘事法的性質是時空的呈現以至再組織,進而擴展我們對存在的認知,那麼敘述圖形是另一種實驗性的創作,就是動用跨媒的資源去尋找語言或純影音未能盡興的展陳。《潛行凶間》和《海上花》是兩個截然不同的時空構圖;前者踏進夢的潛意識的禁地,化之為慾望的戲劇舞台,後者則專注現象學的濃密經營,時間一點一滴,一舉手一投足,吃喝閒話家常,紛陳世事,時間停留在這裡、此刻,摺疊勾連,並不向前。

Floating Projects Collective 2024