
Searching for tag: climate-change

12 artists / Green Yellow Blue Red… Make4Green: what we have made… 綠黃藍紅都是綠。
MAKE FOR GREEN, 4 briefs for participatory design-fiction for climate action 四個造「綠」的參與性點子
機器學習 Collecting, compiling and variations, 2 new FP creative monographs

機器學習 Collecting, compiling and variations, 2 new FP creative monographs

FP new member Ray LC’s two creative monographs are now available at FP’s sales corner, adding to FP’s growing list of publication which includes anthologies, small-print catalogues, online video zines and zine series. 「據點。句點」新成員羅銳的兩個小量印刷的單行本。一本是作者自行與開源的機器學習協作的詩本創作,探究私密的情感在語文句法的衍生變奏上會變成甚麼。另一本則是對環保認知普及化的回應;收集,遊說,敘事化,一個核心,多方的場景、面貌。

Floating Projects Collective 2024