
Searching for tag: illustrations

Wai-leung Lai / 與林建才閒談他的插畫路 And so we chatted, Kin-choi Lam and illustration art

Wai-leung Lai / 與林建才閒談他的插畫路 And so we chatted, Kin-choi Lam and illustration art

FP writer Wai-leung Lai was there as Kin-choi Lam set up his book launch event at FP, and started to traced his journey as an illustration-artist. 從業餘興趣成為終身志業,由摸索學習到邁步向前。貧瘠的藝術土壤上,一個青年畫家的成長歷程,據點作者黎偉亮用文字素描了一個他認識的林建才和他獨有的故事。

Jess Lau /「逆流索引」:林建才手繪連載 Quotidian Diversions: Kin-choi Lam in Search of Time Lost

Jess Lau /「逆流索引」:林建才手繪連載 Quotidian Diversions: Kin-choi Lam in Search of Time Lost

Quotidian Diversions – Kin-choi Lam’s drawing series on HK to launch on Floating Teatime’s “Personally Speaking” 4 June 2020: 6 groups of drawings in 6 weeks on Thursdays 林建才手繪連載:「流水革命10月天」六月四日起每周四連載共六輯。

Floating Projects Collective 2024