D-Normal/V-essay expanded program in June 《平地數碼》六月膨脹學習見面系列
D-Normal/V-Essay committed to ADC's Arts Go Digital 3 editions of on-line video zine with Issue #3 in preparation, to be uploaded on 30 June. As a meaningful extension to encourage more friends to embrace creative expression with images and sounds, June will be a learning season for a variety of of interest: 《平地數碼》網上錄像誌,承香港藝術發展局 Arts Go Digital 藝術D平臺的支助,共三季出版公開徵集、鼓勵發表的錄像文章,第三輯已在整理當中,將於6月30日準時上載。與此同時,為鼓勵錄影文章成為更廣泛的表述方式,6月份將陸續有多個見面活動,打開影像和聲音在創作表述上多姿多彩的可能性。請考慮參與以下的活動。
Dn/Ve workshop 3 12 June 2021 3pm - 6pm @ Floating Projects (JCCAC) Sound Workshop 聲音工作坊 led by Wong Chun-hoi 王鎮海主持
報名Registration: https://forms.gle/DyNM534NMAc8FsW69
Dn/Ve workshop 4 13 June 2021 3pm - 6pm @Lamma island feast of videos, chill with feaston 錄像盛宴 (led by Terrence Chan @Feaston) 報名Registration:https://forms.gle/W5TutzwE6XZJGV2FA
Dn/Ve screenings 1-3 on 19 June 2021 @ Floating Projects (JCCAC)
[1] 12nn - 2pm 佳作放映及研討 #1 - Special Selection by FPC jurors, with participating video essayists meeting the audience, convened by John Chow 周皓風主持 "Screening Brushstrokes 放映不足 1" [Details...]
[2] 4pm - 6pm 佳作放映及研討 #2, a special screening curated by Dn/Ve Project Chief Linda Lai with Q & A | total running time: 55m34s
featuring PUN Tsz-wai 潘子懷 (Best Work, Dn/Ve issue 3), Briar Faith Monsod and NGAI Tsz-kwan Tracey 魏芷軍 [more details on Art Notes ...]
[3] 8pm - 10pm 佳作放映及研討 #3 - Special Selection by FPC jurors, with participating video essayists meeting the audience, led by Winnie Yan 忻慧妍策劃
"Screening Brushstrokes 放映不足 2" | ***on-site installed videos on three screens [Details...]