《看不見的城市》工作坊講座與展演系列 INVISIBLE CITIES... a transmedia workshop series leading to a group exhibition
Ana-Cartography II
Perilous Playground: a Gathering 冒險極樂園:分享會
DROP BY FP - Artist Sharing by reConvert
Yan-Cheng Chen 陳彥呈《I Have Fish 年年有魚》/ HKIPF exhibition at FP
「家庭為本」:深水埗區劏房特殊教育(SEN)兒童及家庭生活展覽 Living in Subdivided/Partitioned flats in HK: a show on children of special needs in Shamshuipo
FP's Winsome Wong and Linda Lai in "Mending Years" -- Gallery L0, JCCAC, until 12 July 「縫補歲月」:據點黎肖嫻和黃慧心與三位創作者的聯展
Ways of Running and Embracing《奔跑和擁抱的方式》
"Circuit: Cinema & Meditation" workshop series  「虛遊迴路:冥想與非主流電影院」共享工作坊
Circuit: Cinema & Meditation 虛遊迴路:冥想與非主流電影院 2023.02.11-26
Floating Projects Collective 2024