2024.09.14 - 09.14
Hector Rodriguez's "Art as Articulation" 「藝術的發聲和接合:媒體、意義、科技」marks the first of a series of post-BOOKED events to further “open the book(s)” Floating Projects have presented in Tai Kwun's annual art book fair -- a way to enforce sharing, and to enact the performative power of independent small publishing.
2024.08.30 - 09.01
20 new zine/monograph issues from FP, two curated books to add to 20 other well read publications. stickers, postcard, T-shirts... 二十個來自據點。句點玩家的個人和團體的獨立出版,為了分享。這期,還有據點自家製的T恤和明信片,還有...。
2024.08.18 - 09.07
痕跡、符號與噪音 - 交織出我們身處的城市,都與我們自身感官與記憶密不可分。「看不見的城市」創作團隊藝透過微細的觀察,打開我們對城市的想像。Our sensations and memories dwell in material traces, symbols and noise in the urban space. The artistic team of the "Invisible Cities" invites visitors to stretch their imagination.
2024.06.22 - 06.22
Book launch @ Floating Projects CINEMA AFTER CINEMA 《電影後電影》新書發佈 bi-lingual, a project by Ip Yuk Yiu and Kattie Fan 計劃總監及編輯:葉旭耀、范可琪
2024.04.14 - 08.25
Five 3-hour workshops leading to a week-long exhibition. Ian Cheng initiated the "Invisible Cities" series, spanning from April to August, with 20 participants. 年青創作者鄧一言背起「見島年輕教學藝術家培訓計劃」第三階段的任務,以《看不見的城市》工作坊系列為20位參加者組織跨媒跨界的學習和發表機會。
Works, Performances and Artists’ Talk: Real World Narratives at the Royal College of Art, London. This research develops critical perspectives on Artificial Intelligence through interdisciplinary approaches and media including sound, sculpture, poetics, coding and cartography.
2024.03.02 - 03.03
Hong Kong participants in year-long exhibition at San Francisco's Chinese Culture Center will talk about their works on urban development. South Ho & Wang Chau Tin Yuen will share their thoughts alongside this pop-up at FP. 何兆南和橫洲田園就他們在舊金山中華文化中心的一年展覽,分享當下我們如何持續在日常生活實踐藝術和參與社會議題,述說於據點就地展出的兩天速描。
Artist Sharing session by reConvert, a swiss-based duo for Sound Art and contemporary music, on their latest projects. 23-02- 2024 (Fri) 8:00pm
2023.10.12 - 11.19
Hong Kong Photographic Festival 2023 is a multi-venue event. Artist Chen Yan-cheng's works will be projected and installaed at Floating Projects and the public venue of JCCAC's L3: "I Have a Fish" 陳彥呈的《年年有魚》是2023香港攝影節的一個環節,請來訪JCCAC L306D 據點。
2023.11.24 - 11.26