腹語系:微敘思考 Thinking Narratively... "The Ventriloquists"
腹語系:微敘思考 Thinking Narratively... "The Ventriloquists"
The Ventriloquists... Thinking Narratively |4-19 July 2020 @ Floating Projects, JCCAC L3-06D, Shek Kip Mei **Please join our Audience Award nomination.**
4 July 2020 | opening - reception throughout the afternoon - meet the artists 10, 11 July 2020 | 7:30-9:00pm Artists' forum: discussion of all video pieces presented as theatrical screening in 2 sessions 17 July 2020 | 6:00-7:00pm presentation of FOUR awards: Audience's Choice, Floating Projects' Choice, Artists' Choice
Exhibition period extended to 19 July 2020
63個作品合體為星群,微聲合洪亮的協奏,不分主副: 夢式敘事,線性的歧路花園。影像/圖像蒙太奇,似動畫非動畫,另類邏輯。 圖像數據分析名作,地圖、樂譜、故事板通通挪用。 創意媒體學院文學士學生誠意邀請。 63 works form a constellation of sight-and-sound surfaces, a carnivalesque clash of countenances, from BA students, the School of Creative Media.
**to follow the exhibition's updates: Ventriloquist series (daily newsletter) Floor plan & listing [...] Moving image screening [...] + + +

Zhou Zixuan: Limbo 50 Years[/caption]
世界Each work is a World, …
Meteors arriving from afar in our realm of visibility A cluster of unknown histories… 一個作品一個世界

發聲 Voices?
We must be heard -- our tones, dictions and manners of speech, … mediated, augmented, subdued, enigmatized We must be heard, even if our lips don’t move. 腹語系發聲練習。唇不動,心動,思維舞動。

好好記住 To remember, to be remembered...
The proof of our existence…, a documentary impulse 留一個記號,證明我來過。

To dream? Rather, to speak of our dreams... 發夢還須說夢。

陳述 Narratively speaking...
We are all reasoning, from step to step, from details to details... 層層推理。逐步走,慢慢說,用豐盈的小節。

Thinking Narratively...
It is an ensemble of feeble voices preserved to form a sonorous, anti-orchestral symphonic clash. 63 works form a constellation of sight-and-sound surfaces, a carnivalesque clash of countenances Video dreamworks, thought paths as montage sequences, visual analysis of well-known moving image works as pictograms, … 63個作品合體為星群,微聲合洪亮的協奏,不分主副:夢式敘事,線性的歧路花園。影像/圖像蒙太奇,似動畫非動畫,另類邏輯。圖像數據分析名作,地圖、樂譜、故事板通通挪用。
The Ventriloquists...
Filling up the open-door space of Floating Projects are the results of BA students from the School of Creative Media (City University of Hong Kong) having spent 4 months together to study “narrativity” in the creative arts with artist-scholar Dr. Linda C.H. Lai
Curator/Instructor: Linda Chiu-han Lai 黎肖嫻 | Production Manager: Kel Lok (LOK Man-chung 駱敏聰) | Designer for poster & key visuals: Madeleine Chan 陳綺雯 Artists: AHN Jihyun Eden | AU YEUNG Cheuk-yin Sharis | Daniella Patricia Solmiano Bilo | Madeleine CHAN | CHAN Mong-sum Jonthan | CHAN Pui-sze | CHAN Wing-shan Kimi | CHENG Yuen-chung Jayson | CHIU Man-yui Serena | CHOI Han Nah | CHOW Ka-kiu | CHOY Hoi-ting | Martha Mai Hatch | KWANG Sin-ching | LAM Chung-yan Fion | LAM Mau-sum | LAW Ho-yi Woody | LEE Chi-yin John | Cyrus Leung | LEUNG Yu-ho Thomas | LO Ching-lok Jacki | LUK Tak-wai Karen | MA Qingzhou Cyan | MOK Ka-hei Skyguy | MOU Peijing Melody | NG Sing-yiu Brian | PHUONG Chi-fung William | Rachel Ricafort | Andreas Schaub | Harmanjeet Singh | TANG Ho-Yan Titus | TANG Pui-ching Tofu | TSANG Chun-leung Steven | TSANG Hiu-nam | TSANG Tak-shun Gabriel | TY Lok-yi | Daniel WAI | WAI Fong-ching Cecilia | Sean Wilhelm Foster Weingarten | WONG Lok-hang Parco | WONG Man-sze Clovis | WONG Sun-yat Jake | YANG Long-lam Markus | YAU Chong-hei Chester | YEUNG Sik-chai Martin | YUEN Ka-hei Hannah | ZHANG Zhihui | ZHOU Zixuan Steven |
Curatorial statement: Linda Lai / The Ventriloquists. Free imaging 2020 | 腹語系:微敘思考。需要多些自由的影像。
All related posts on Floating Teatime: The Ventriloquist series (newsletter of the show with regular updates during the exhibition period)