林建才手繪連載6集:逆流索引 Quotidian Diversions: Kin-choi Lam in search of time lost in 6 parts
To launch 4 June 2020
2019年下半年正值香港社會動蕩之時,林建才正身處英國小鎮進修繪畫,期間創作了一系列關於香港的作品,後來更響應了社交平台 freetoberhk2019 的抗爭主題繪畫活動,在2019年10月期間,每天應題畫一張畫,連續31天。現在由劉清華從中整理出部分作品於「據點。句點」網上平台《據點一杯茶》的「私物語」及「咖啡經」重新連載。共六輯,由六月四日起逢星期四發表。
In the second half of 2019, Kin-choi Lam was studying illustrations in a graduate program in Cambridge, UK, where he continued to closely stay tuned to turbulences in Hong Kong. In response to freetoberhk2019's thematic drawing activities, he made a drawing per day for 31 consecutive days in the month of October. Now back in Hong Kong, Lam generously turns to Floating Teatime to have his works from that period to be published on line. With Jess Lau's coordination, Lam's works will be published as 6 groups of drawings to be published every Thursday starting 4 June 2020.

Stay close to "Personally Speaking" and "Coffee Fantasia" on Floating Teatime.
To read Jess Lau's series introduction [06.04] [06.11] [06.18] [06.25] [07.02] [07.09]
To go to the series' index page [...]
-------- instagram: freetoberhk2019 香港抗爭藝術平台 #FREETOBERHK Let the world be connected with art #soshk *收集及分享關於香港人的流水革命作品