
Searching for tag: zine-making

Ideas Blossom on Contemporary Living: Floating Projects @ BOOKED 2023, Taikwun 思緒的聚疊:「據點」小誌天南地北。大館書展2023
Tokyo Doughnut, Audiobook read by Michael Leung 東京甜甜圈

Tokyo Doughnut, Audiobook read by Michael Leung 東京甜甜圈

Michael Leung continues to introduce the variations of his zine-making — fiction as .an audio book. 梁志剛繼續展示他的小誌創作的不同媒體變奏 — 這回是一個原以有聲讀物現身的短編故事。

Michael Leung / “Solidarity with Aarey” on site (video 2 of 4) 印度阿雷的盟友團結(駐場錄像四之二)

Michael Leung / “Solidarity with Aarey” on site (video 2 of 4) 印度阿雷的盟友團結(駐場錄像四之二)

Aarey Forest is a rich urban forest which is within the eco sensitive zone of Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP). It is classified as mixed moist deciduous type forest. Leung’s video was shot in May 2018, at the time local people were experiencing deforestation by a new metro line and metro carriage depot.

Michael Leung / Drawing Paths Between 勾畫軌道,留住線索

Michael Leung / Drawing Paths Between 勾畫軌道,留住線索

The thickness of the present grows as a writer goes back to the past — to question the protagonists of a situation from the point of view of what they could have done and what they may become capable of. Michael Leung takes off describing how he no longer calls himself a beekeeper as multi-species solidarity becomes growingly important to him.

Michael Leung / “Bishan Village May 2015” on site (video 1 of 4) 五月碧山村(駐場錄像四之一)
Michael Leung / An Impossible Exhibition 駐場延伸:相遇於小誌締造可能性

Michael Leung / An Impossible Exhibition 駐場延伸:相遇於小誌締造可能性

Michael Leung’s “Publishing (to Find Each Other)” grows on-site through his month-long residency as he fills Floating Projects week by week with his 8-year collection and documented encounters. 駐場的一個月是片諾大的空間。梁志剛的小誌、社關活動和理念研究逐一冒現,把一個不可能的、長達八年的相遇與關係網絡的展陳、聚會變得可能。

Michael Leung, Linda Lai / Publishing (to find each other) <-- ... --> (Publishing) To Find Each Other, A hybrid trajectory
Floating Projects Collective 2024