Kenji Wong's Exercise I & II |   王偉健的《兩個練習》
Book Launch + Ambience Intervention: SOFT IMAGE: Towards a New Theory of the Digital Image
Spatial Pressure Calibration 0.02- Post SICD temporary Grassroots youth art workers 2015- | 據點空間壓力測試 0.02 - 後南港島藝術區臨時草根青年工人們2015
WCH Assemblage #2: I reached out to a stone and picked up a box of paper butterflies |黃竹坑聚疊(二):當摸著石頭,拾了一箱紙蝴蝶
Basic Hands-On Art-making Management Workshop #1 發表個人藝術作品管理工作坊(一)
Pricing - a workshop for FP artists (2015.08.29) by Isaac Leung
GRAND OPENING 02 (22-23 Aug 2015) -- journeys of food, London, Hong Kong... + Moving Moving-image
GRAND OPENING 01 (8.15-16): Pure Seeing ... Magic!!! / a 2-day marathon of moving images 純看.凝神.魔法.
WCH Assemblage #1: Automatism. Repurpose. Regenerate. A starting point. | 黃竹坑聚疊(一):不假思索。「聚」與「疊」
Hong Kong customs and traditions: an evening of video works from CUHK students' visual research
Floating Projects Collective 2024