2022.06.28 - 08.16
Floating Project's John Chow and Dory Cheng are part of Gudskul's 50-day co-living events to experience the vitality and intricacies of being a collective, through direct experience and direct actions supported by critical discussions, a way to be part of Documenta 15.
2022.07.14 - 07.31
What do PhD researchers do and think about? Via a complex on-site mind-map, nine PhD researchers and recent graduates illustrate their artistic practices, demonstrating robust interaction through theories, stories, anecdotes and more forms.
2022.05.21 - 06.25
據點打開門 Floating Projects Open Door 請隨時加入一齊玩。Please drop by any time.
2022.05.08 - 05.14
video + installation + blueprints for a game 錄像 + 雕塑裝置 + 平面圖像 + 有待製作的遊戲的藍本 human rights, animal rights, more-than-human care of the world 人權、動物權利、超越人本的世界視野。 ...
an on-going FP project returns after a long break: D-Normal/V-Essay #4 (since December 2020) 據點網上錄像誌《平地數碼》第4期 已上載
2022.03.05 - 03.27
Featuring 5 female artists tackle gender inequality by reasserting their bodily control in their terms.
2022.01.02 - 02.05
2022.01.2-0205 殘酷與美好 - 汪倩馬域雙個展 Ferocity and Wonderment - Duo Exhibition of Wong Sin and Ma Wik
2021.12.18 - 12.19
The fledging survivors of a coastal community got together, each being assigned to a team with a particular activity to barter and exchange goods -- to contribute to future research on environmental questions.
2021.12.16 - 12.19
Floating Projects is at BOOKED (Tai Kwun) a second time after 2019. We are at booth #5, 1/F JC Gallery. 請來5號書桌探訪我們。「據點。句點」成員及友好的小書大作第二度參與大館今年十二月的藝術書展。19日1230-1400講座:「網路的主觀性」
6-8pm | Micro Narratives 2021: Layered Vision at Floating Projects, coordinated by Linda Lai with multiple artists