2017.12.02 - 12.03
Floating City 2036 Workshop with Sara Kramer and Vibe Overgaard December 2 - 3, 2017
6:00-9:00pm 2 December 2017 (Saturday) @Floating Projects |
FP welcomes your visit 2-8pm. Rich coffee, light snacks... Barista Wai's war-time miniatures now on site... Come bring your curiosity to turn his obsessions into treasure...你會把你的「好奇心」帶過來FP,發掘偉師傅二次大戰模型沒有說出來的真知灼見嗎?
11:00am - 6:00pm, 22 July 2017. A 6-hour in-house 16mm film workshop generously initiated by Richard Tuohy and Dianna Barrie for FPC members and friends...
6:00-9:00pm, 26 August 2017(Saturday) @Floating Projects
In this post-mechanical age, Australian experimental moving image duo Richard Tuohy and Dianna Barrie bring back the traditional apparatus of cinema, showing their hand-made films projected on site at Floating Projects as an on-the-spot performance.
2017.07.08 - 07.09
8-9 July . Shooting followed by screening. Sofoolbid's video channel in two days. Sofoolbid’s 於2017年開始 Sofoolbid’s 視頻計劃。以網絡短片形式,跟大家談論跟藝術有關的題目。
29/6 -30/7 @1aspace
30 June 2017 (Friday) 19:00 - 20:00. Videotage's One World Exposition 2.1 features Tang Kwok-hin and Morgan Wong in conversations with Chris Cheung from HK multimedia project XCEED
2017.06.03 - 06.25
Exhibition period: 3rd – 24th June 2017
Opening Reception and premiere screening
Saturday 3rd June, 2017 | 4:00 – 6:00pm