"I dream of wires"  錄像討論會 Video Forum + Spatial Pressure Re-calibration 0.00  空間壓力再測試 0.00
Michael Leung's ON LAND series in the Insurrectionary Agricultural Milieux「在地」系列:梁志剛起義式的農耕氛圍手記
Floating Teatime keeps the window open, kettle on, for you and the collective... 「據點一杯茶」冬暖夏涼,為『據點。句點』和你繼續入氣。
Video Manifesto 2 artists meeting up in 4 on-line workshops 「錄像宣言2」創作者在線工作坊
後#MeToo藝術 Post #MeToo Art
Dystopian Re-Noises Sound & Audio-visual Performance
DROP BY FP – Artist Sharing by Jack Wolf & Paul Kolling  : 'Break of Gauge'
玩具次元 Toy = Medium
Armed Paper, Tech/Art Jetso - Workshop Series #1 : Website (build from scratch) workshop for artist 2019 《技藝開倉 思想武裝》  工作坊系列 (一)藝術家個人網頁編寫入門 2019
TongLau Space October 19 Residency Artist Exhibition Éanna Mac Canna Solo - Revisit  唐樓 十月駐留藝術家個展-重訪
Floating Projects Collective 2024