Director in Focus: Lilian Fu, animation artist 焦點導演:動畫創作人傅詠欣
Isle of Animators 動畫人之島
Reality Fragment 160921 (video by Qigemu)
From WCH Assemblage to SKM Assemblage: new leaf turned today 石硤尾新頁,再來聚疊
Between Memory + Image 在記憶+影像之間  (7 videographers on what they do with a camera)
Floating Projects Artist Residency Program [edition 2019] Call for Application 海外駐留支援計劃(2019)  申請募集
Floating Projects 2.0 Opening Marathon 據點2.0 打開門:開幕馬拉松
The final WCH Assemblage (n-1) before relocation 黃竹坑聚疊 (n-1) - 清場大亂鬥
“Videography. Micro Narratives. Temporal Beings. Our Manifestos” -Book Launch | 「我們的錄像宣言:微敘事。 存在的時間書寫。」- 新書發佈會
Floating Projects Collective 2024