“Have a Balanced Diet” 2: up and down the color scale over a light bulb 《日常飲像影食 - 盤旋在燈泡上的色階》放映會
La Chinoise, by Sunny Zheng 鄭沅芷說《中國女》
彼岸之地 -文 美 桃    個 人 展 覽   The Distance of Space - Man Mei To   Solo Exhibition
Lingering Liminality: the realm of process, experimentation and the in-between
Maneuverable Strategies in X m2
Ramblings 漫游    by Catherine Clover
Floating City 2036
Relentless Melt No. 1: Hong Kong Music Abstractions
Rich coffee, light snacks...have a nice chat... 門常開,有空上來聊聊。在場分享,你的閒想,他的手作心思。
16mm film workshop (for FPC members and friends)
Floating Projects Collective 2024