
Category: Personally Speaking 私物語

發明你的字句,操練你的發聲,給未有名字的起個名,為碎片堆築一條路。Share it if we deserve it: thoughts on living and being, poetry, automatic writing… silences, speechlessness, noise, soundings… fragmentary thoughts in search of a path, elliptical sentiments, the unspeakable…

Linda Lai / To Anna Chim, a late reply on videography…

Linda Lai / To Anna Chim, a late reply on videography…

An accidental death in February (?) 2018 ended young artist Anna Chim’s barely started exciting journey of creative adventures. While revisiting principles of economizing in image-making in film and art history in preparation for my teaching, I accidentally returned to this saved message Anna sent me.

Yuk HUI / 許煜悼格雷伯:如果你不相信烏托邦,你一定是傻瓜 Mourning David Graeber: if you do not believe in utopia, you must be an idiot

Yuk HUI / 許煜悼格雷伯:如果你不相信烏托邦,你一定是傻瓜 Mourning David Graeber: if you do not believe in utopia, you must be an idiot

2020年9月2日,年僅59歲的著名理論家、人類學家、無政府主義者、社會活動家大衛·格雷伯(David Graeber)在威尼斯逝世。跟格雷伯交往多年的許煜博士為格雷伯寫悼念文,記述他「我們是99%」的信念而生的寫作和社會運動。Activist-anarchist anthropologist David Graeber died on 2 September 2020. Dr. Yuk Hui, an acquaintance with Graeber and collaborator, remembers the latter’s impact on him.

Yuk HUI / [updated] The Wind Rises: In Memory of Bernard 風起了。懷緬斯蒂格勒。

Yuk HUI / [updated] The Wind Rises: In Memory of Bernard 風起了。懷緬斯蒂格勒。

Sadly, Bernard Stiegler left the world on 5 August 2020. In his last days, “Since 2016, Bernard talked often about dreams, and the necessity of dreaming. Industrial capitalism destroys dreams … through the manipulation of attention. The faculty of dreaming, for him, is the faculty that Kant ignored. Bernard was a dreamer who dreamed the impossible, a fighter who fought against stupidity … All technologies are primarily dreams, but dreams can also become nightmares.” Special thanks to Yuk Hui for letting his memoria for late philosophy Bernard Stiegler be re-posted here.

六顆子彈 6 Bullets, an exchange

六顆子彈 6 Bullets, an exchange

FPC dialogues… Jess Lau wrote a poem and shared it with Linda Lai, who wrote a poem in response. The exchange develops into that of images. 劉清華隨心寫了一首詩,分享了給黎肖嫻。黎回了另一首詩。後來這個對話由文字推至圖像。

LAI Wai-leung / 不是影評。從光華迸發到日暮星沉,由舊戲「英雄本色」說起  A Better Tomorrow and beyond, not a film review

LAI Wai-leung / 不是影評。從光華迸發到日暮星沉,由舊戲「英雄本色」說起 A Better Tomorrow and beyond, not a film review

In an extended roll call of local made movies, FP writer Wai-leung Lai tells an integrated story of his history of local film viewing, an assertion of the right of a serious non-expert viewer’s voice to be heard. After, popular cinema is a specific way to connect with the ordinary people on the level of living. And after all, Readership Theories have covered much ground in film and media studies in the past 30 something years in the academia. 黎偉亮一個人睇戲的故事,追述多年來看港產片的心跡,說明了用心看戲也就是用心活著。一個用心的觀眾絕對有權在「影評」的建制圈外肯定表述的聲音。

Ryan Chung / let the mind speak 5: Loneliness is a Cry for Nothing「思維自說自話」5 : 孤單是無端而吶喊

Ryan Chung / let the mind speak 5: Loneliness is a Cry for Nothing「思維自說自話」5 : 孤單是無端而吶喊

Finding an ensemble of words to give form, thickness and density to flickering thoughts and fleeting sentiments is Ryan Chung’s persistent experiment in his “let the mind speak” series — speaking for its own sake, this time, “loneliness” must imprint its presence… What is the vocabulary of our own loneliness? 表述是為了堅守表述自由的維度。孤單是怎樣的?孤單的語彙是怎樣的?說了就是。鍾樹仁的思維自說自話。

Linda Lai / 方寸之間。氣流。你在牆上留了個暗號。Love in the Time of COVID-19. You’ve left a mark at the foot of the wall. (a poem)

Linda Lai / 方寸之間。氣流。你在牆上留了個暗號。Love in the Time of COVID-19. You’ve left a mark at the foot of the wall. (a poem)

她(黎肖嫻)寫了一首別人的情詩。已沒有話可述說愛情,只知道「想」之際自覺存在多一點。找文學對愛情的書寫,總覺女作家和男作家的視野不盡相同。沒有性別基要主義。只是好奇。想聽讀者們的回贈,讓她不落入自說自話的荒涼。Linda Lai wrote a poem contemplating the phenomenology of being in love and losing it. Great quotes from the internet were grabbed in search of the male protagonist’s voice, says she. Let’s have a conversation!

Natalie Chao / Wilderness poems #5: “the land of logs”
Ryan Chung / let the mind speak 4: Twenty-two: reflection on experiences, a starting point 「思維自說自話」4 – 反照經驗,就這樣開始可以嗎?

Ryan Chung / let the mind speak 4: Twenty-two: reflection on experiences, a starting point 「思維自說自話」4 – 反照經驗,就這樣開始可以嗎?

You are twenty-two, or you could be 24, 30 or just 16. Emotions often escape words, but writing the act preserves that moment of struggling to give sentiments an outfit. Keep writing: let realities come through the cracks of grammatical and syntactic fabrics. 確定是22歲,或許24, 30;16歲可以嗎?情緒和感覺往往挑戰文字的限度;裹不住,盛載又不完全。只有「寫」,作為行動,以「演」為述。抓著那個時刻,殘酷的現實或許找到那片刻的機會破裂縫而迅出。

LAM Kin-choi / 林建才手繪「逆流索引」六:夢  DREAMING, “Quotidian Diversions: Kin-choi Lam in search of time lost” 06
Floating Projects Collective 2024