談藝術,談創作,回顧周圍看向前望。Art reviews and art criticism. Review on reviews. Critique on the practice of criticism. Back story to a performance. Free associations with a novel. Observations on the current milieu of art and social life. …
The thickness of the present grows as a writer goes back to the past — to question the protagonists of a situation from the point of view of what they could have done and what they may become capable of. Michael Leung takes off describing how he no longer calls himself a beekeeper as multi-species solidarity becomes growingly important to him.
Made in May 2015, Bishan Village 《碧山村》 is the earliest of the four videos in the exhibition “Publishing (to Find Each Other).”
Michael Leung’s “Publishing (to Find Each Other)” grows on-site through his month-long residency as he fills Floating Projects week by week with his 8-year collection and documented encounters. 駐場的一個月是片諾大的空間。梁志剛的小誌、社關活動和理念研究逐一冒現,把一個不可能的、長達八年的相遇與關係網絡的展陳、聚會變得可能。
In this show, Michael Leung’s zine publishing proliferates into a hybrid event — from storytelling, zine workshops, and ad hoc planting of new material during the month. 因書仔而相遇協作。30天的展場進駐,梁志剛把小誌出版打開,變為多源匯集的跨界分享,知己知彼。
From her pool of automatic drawings turned wooden fragments of her dreamwork, young artist Cherie Wong shows us a certain inquisitive state of mind. 王晴雯從她的木製「夢」碎片寶庫裡再掏出另一首圖文對話的詩,是尋問的現在進行式。
From her pool of automatic drawings turned wooden fragments of her dreamwork, young artist Cherie Wong goes round and round in circles. An endless journey. 王晴雯從她的木製「夢」碎片寶庫裡再掏出另一首圖文對話的詩,太空無邊際,峰迴路轉卻有軌跡。
聲音無處不在,聲音藝術始終難以被定義。鳥因歌而鳴,源自內在的想望,聲音多變因理念與堅持,才能被發掘與被聽見。黎仲民、張靜瑜呈現他們對聲音不同的觀察與研究方向,傳輸交流。Sound is ubiquitous. To produce meaning through/with sound is another issue. Many artists have forged many paths to explore sounds. Like tracing their steps on forking paths, Andio Lai and Annisa Cheung tenaciously follow their desires disregard what answers they may get. The two artists have been selected for Contemporary Musiking Hong Kong’s Sonic Transmission Artist Exchange Program 2019/20.
Martha Hatch detected a shift within the art scene in some shows she visited late last year. A new form of resistance? A new way to stay alive? An attempt to preserve a Hong Kong spirit? Hatch in in her final semester researching on art and urban space for her BA graduation thesis.
In the second of a series of field notes as short essays, Linda Lai continues to craft possible histories of Hong Kong’s everyday interiority through the lens of “intelligentsia” responses within the filmmaking community in the immediate post-WW2 years. 一連三篇由「細路祥」出發的第二篇:黎肖嫻繼續探討「細路祥」化身銀幕上,成為了甚麼樣的文化資本。小孩所牽連的是一張複雜的管治的權力網。
In a series of 3 articles, Linda Lai shares her field notes in film studies from a Cultural Studies perspective. The first discusses the kid A-Chang (1950), a HK counter-part of Shanghai’s Three Hairs 1940s. 有關香港「細路祥」三篇連載的第一篇,黎肖嫻潛進環繞苦難中的孩子的沈甸甸而充滿矛盾的論述。