
Category: Art Notes 藝文談暢

談藝術,談創作,回顧周圍看向前望。Art reviews and art criticism. Review on reviews. Critique on the practice of criticism. Back story to a performance. Free associations with a novel. Observations on the current milieu of art and social life. …

WONG Fuk-kuen /《現在進行》一思再思 Present Continuous: still thinking…

WONG Fuk-kuen /《現在進行》一思再思 Present Continuous: still thinking…

Critique, review, critique, self-discovery, artistic experimentation, critique, articulation, self-discovery… Wong Fuk-kuen finds himself in this recurrent routine Floating Projects highly values. Extreme modes of artistic exploration of things in our physical world often push us (him) in the direction of science… Danger, Wong finds, is the unique interface he generates in his exploration.

Evelyn Char / 走過泡菜大地(一):韓國光州及首爾的藝旅勾描,光州雙年展以外 Art in Gwangju and Seoul beyond the biennales

Evelyn Char / 走過泡菜大地(一):韓國光州及首爾的藝旅勾描,光州雙年展以外 Art in Gwangju and Seoul beyond the biennales

A deliberate dual emphasis on domestic artists and international stars, the care for documentation and criticism as regular agenda items, and growing experiments on alternative independent art-space models from within the art community… Evelyn Char notes her observation in a recent art tour to Gwangju and Seoul.

Hugo Yeung / “But art is ambiguous.”

Hugo Yeung / “But art is ambiguous.”

Hugo Yeung accounts for what his first solo show, What Death Tells Me, tells him about cinema. Shuttling between sound, image and story, the drifting open-ended journey amounts to a narrative mode and experience afforded only by digital data and computational cinema.

Winnie Yan / 距離的温度 The Temperature of Distance

Winnie Yan / 距離的温度 The Temperature of Distance

Some works are to be sensed rather than comprehended… Winnie Yan finds a natural connection with Jess Lau and Kin-choi Lam’s duet — with their art pieces as much as the two individuals. …能找到兩位同伴會默默地感受一場雨…絕不容易。

CHEUK Wing-nam /「觸不感」觸及我創作的靈感技術資源以至藝術界別的區分
YEUNG Yang: [review] Hardworking Burning Electricity – Wong Chun Hoi Solo Exhibition

YEUNG Yang: [review] Hardworking Burning Electricity – Wong Chun Hoi Solo Exhibition

[FP EXHIBITION REVIEW] Yeung Yang identifies three sets of dilemma – techno-culture, dumb objects, and the challenge of a solo show – and ponders on the place of affect in Wong Chun-hoi’s “Hardworking Burning Electricity.”

Linda Lai / A constellation with dotted connectivity: why I made a dispersive monument
Josef Bares / Lee Kai Chung, “So Many Quiet Walks to Take” – from archiving history to becoming private
Josef Bares / Wong Chun-hoi’s “Hardworking Burning Electricity”
Linda Lai / 12 Manifestos on Videography from 12 Young Video Artists on 18 Concrete Videos 《12個宣言。錄像書寫為何。關連的18個塑形錄像作品。》

Linda Lai / 12 Manifestos on Videography from 12 Young Video Artists on 18 Concrete Videos 《12個宣言。錄像書寫為何。關連的18個塑形錄像作品。》

These manifestos are to accompany the 18 works in the Concrete Videos program to be screened at Floating Projects, 4:00-6:00pm, 9 January 2016, produced and curated by Linda Lai. +The project described here was partially supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project No. 9042111 […]

Floating Projects Collective 2025