談藝術,談創作,回顧周圍看向前望。Art reviews and art criticism. Review on reviews. Critique on the practice of criticism. Back story to a performance. Free associations with a novel. Observations on the current milieu of art and social life. …
On 21 December 2022, 24 videographers from the Micro Narrative Laboratory presented 29 short pieces of videography enacting their presence... Varied voices. Contrasting disposition. A broad range of artistic and media resources… The works will stay on-site at Floating Projects on FOUR parallel screens 24-31 December.
29 short pieces of videography by 24 young makers enacting their presence, human-tool assemblage, and the making of experiences from fragments of attentive moments ...
*An interactive video archive installed at Floating Projects, 3-19 December 2022. (All videos subtitled in English) *Video Forum, 10 December 2022 (3:30-5:30pm), will feature Kimburley Choi and Fei-pang Wong, hosted by Linda C.H. Lai (conducted in Cantonese).
FP writer Wai-leung Lai was there as Kin-choi Lam set up his book launch event at FP, and started to traced his journey as an illustration-artist. 從業餘興趣成為終身志業,由摸索學習到邁步向前。貧瘠的藝術土壤上,一個青年畫家的成長歷程,據點作者黎偉亮用文字素描了一個他認識的林建才和他獨有的故事。
While deeply aware of the underlying tensions in all love relationship, fresh graduate Cher believes it’s very worthwhile to preserve and present the blissful moments of a couple, even if just for a moment. Thus started her months-long action research — photography as an event — to act out as a sonder person. 對周遭的人的感悟有多少?李祉昕以行動出發,攝影是牽動關係的探索行動,為了展出,更是為了接觸別人和自學。
Space-action-interpretation. Cluster-distribution. Network-dispersion. Three locales. Distanced intimacy. Past is the present. FPC member Winsome Wong’s first solo at the Floating Projects. 以空間實作為演繹。簇的分配成為延散的網路。三種實地,遙遠的扣緊。從前就在當下。「據點。句點」成員黃慧心首度據點打開門。
After a summer’s COVID delay, Linda Lai’s 10957 Moons (= 30 years) finally got projected onto a wall on Macau’s Oxware House alongside 12 artists’ works. EXiM 2022: Experimental Video Festival. 6-27 September 2022. I was stunned by the bigger-than life-size chairs projected. The elegant chair dances and intimate chair talks I sought to conceive, […]
More diaries from Dory Cheng and John Chow at Documenta: from observing, learning, participating to contributing…
“Field notes” series (2022) Look at That Picture begins with graduate researcher Tse Lam-hei’s close study of a drawing by local artist Ho Sin-tung, which Tse turns into a found archaeological object, tackled with rich descriptions. 研究員筆記「定睛看」系列的首篇。謝琳禧鑽進本地藝術家何倩彤的一張手繪,用考古的態度、方法,和精細調理歷史的精神,把何的圖像層層剝開。
Dory Cheng and John Chow updated their upcoming events at Documenta 15, as FP representatives, and as active agents of a new collective of collectives.