
Category: Art Notes 藝文談暢

談藝術,談創作,回顧周圍看向前望。Art reviews and art criticism. Review on reviews. Critique on the practice of criticism. Back story to a performance. Free associations with a novel. Observations on the current milieu of art and social life. …

FP at Documenta 15, a journal series (3): connecting, boat-building… 天天實作天天學習
FP at Documenta 15, a journal series (2): immersing… 鑽進另一種日常生活
FP at Documenta 15, a journal series (1) stepping in… 據點在卡塞爾文獻展2022

FP at Documenta 15, a journal series (1) stepping in… 據點在卡塞爾文獻展2022

Floating Projects is taking part in Gudskul’s fifth year of Contemporary Art Collective and Ecosystem Studies, this time part of Documenta 15. FPC members John Chow and Dory Cheng participates in their 50-day co-living to gain first-hand understanding of lumbung practice, a sharing model.

聚疊的各種天氣 The weathers of the assemblage-assemblies
石池上的文字性聲音風景 (a textual soundscape on a pool of pebbles)

石池上的文字性聲音風景 (a textual soundscape on a pool of pebbles)

黃福權把在遊走和行山時收錄到的竹林、海灘、飛過的航班、機場鐵路、拉膠紙等聲音元素,散種在油街一個半個足球場大小的卵石池上。是記錄、實驗、追憶、信物…。Fuk-kuen Wong planted sounds he collected from everyday walking and hiking trip onto a pool of pebbles of half-size of a soccer field on Oil Street. His recordings are documentation as much as token and gift for memories to pass.

《海濱》 (創作性短篇)”Riveria” (creative writing)

《海濱》 (創作性短篇)”Riveria” (creative writing)

In one long take in words, perhaps with folds of internal montage, Martin Yeung takes us into a zone of truncated space, automatic acts and fragmented speech, like the hollow in a cracked mirror. Familiar or not, it is Yeung’s way to conclude his four years of undergraduate education. 楊錫齋站在四年大學畢業峰涯留下的足跡?這短篇像夢,同時是厚潤的筆觸,一筆到底,形骸飄晃著,細緻綿密,卻只聽見回音。她一句又一個她的再一句,似曾相識。一鏡到底。折叠無盡的蒙太奇。

Assemblage as Assembly「石硤尾聚疊」2022:聚集、共融

Assemblage as Assembly「石硤尾聚疊」2022:聚集、共融

熱身後的「聚疊」有了新的呼吸,5月20日晚上現場。梁志剛角度。 FPC member Michael Leung breathes with his first trial of SKM Assemblage on 20 May … Disparate geographic locations connect through loose thoughts… Assemblage growing …

2022 Assemblage growing 「石硤尾聚疊」2022 蔓延

2022 Assemblage growing 「石硤尾聚疊」2022 蔓延

據點句點新成員鄭嘉雯參加了2022年5月6日星期五晚的 Assemblage 熱身,自行發現「聚疊」的內藴。即興是怎樣的一回事? What does improvization look like? FPC new member Dory Cheng provided her account as a fresh performer-participant at the 6th May Assemblage.

2022 Assemblage: warming up 「石硤尾聚疊」2022 熱身

2022 Assemblage: warming up 「石硤尾聚疊」2022 熱身

究竟是什麼原因,一段津津樂道的歷史,一個大家認為具代表性的活動,最後變成了文化遺產? What does improvization look like? Here’s an account of what happened on site at Floating Projects in the evening of 6th of May, by FPC member WONG Fuk-kuen…

Why and how I made Gingerbread Man’s Destiny, notes to a pop-up show 薑餅人命運的聯想:動物平權創作手記

Why and how I made Gingerbread Man’s Destiny, notes to a pop-up show 薑餅人命運的聯想:動物平權創作手記

“Is double standard the emblem of our social reality?” — Niki Siu’s annotations on her week-long POP-UP “Laugh At Last: Gingerbread Man’s Destiny” at Floating Projects, 8-14 May 2021, the result of a half-year long thesis-art production.「雙重標準是社會現實的代表?」蕭麗琦為她的畢業論文作品作註腳,從民間流傳的故事薑餅人說起。

Floating Projects Collective 2024