LAI Wai-leung / 這裏 Here (at Floating Projects)

LAI Wai-leung / 這裏 Here (at Floating Projects)

FP writer, manager and barista Wai-leung Lai speaks of his 3-month experience at Floating Projects as a non-artist. 「據點」作者、場地經理、咖啡師黎偉亮從藝術圈局外人的觀點談「據點」籌備至開幕的三個月的所見所聞。

Vanessa Tsai / 古人身邊都是寶 Lost simplicity

Vanessa Tsai / 古人身邊都是寶 Lost simplicity

蔡季妙輕嘆:「古人的沒錢真好!因為沒錢,總是想盡辦法好好利用身邊所有可以用得到的一草一木。」Tai Chung-based writer Vanessa Tsai noted, “People in pre-modern days might not enjoy the material abundance we do, but they certainly had many more ideas how to maximize what is available around them to make things work.”

Vanessa Tsai / 夢窗 – 往異次元 Dreams are windows to other dimensions
Vanessa Tsai / 雨後 荷花:「出淤泥而不染」的仿生 The Lotus Pond after the Rain: the use of bionics

Vanessa Tsai / 雨後 荷花:「出淤泥而不染」的仿生 The Lotus Pond after the Rain: the use of bionics

荷花(蓮花)不一定是詩人文人的專屬。據點友好駐台灣作者來個自然科學的角度。談談「仿生學」以致日漸弱化的生物多樣性。Lotus flowers are favourite objects of Chinese poetry and literary writing in general. FP friend, Tai Chung-based writer, Vanessa Tsai takes a natural science perspective: have we noticed the shrinking variety of plant species, and what is bionics doing?

LAI Wai-leung / 半生•咖啡•緣

LAI Wai-leung / 半生•咖啡•緣

香港人「嘆」甚麼咖啡?在那裡「嘆」?甚麼來頭的咖啡?多貴多便宜?據點作者從1970年代說起。What coffee did HK people enjoy? Where from? Where to have a cup of coffee? How expensive? How cheap? Any brandnames? FP manager and writer Wai-leung Lai recount his coffee experience since the 1970s.

Winnie Yan / 那管只淨下我一人站在白牆前拿著紙筆咬手指 – 記於藝評與創作中的浮遊

Winnie Yan / 那管只淨下我一人站在白牆前拿著紙筆咬手指 – 記於藝評與創作中的浮遊

廢紙箱又被堆滿了。「我寫不到。」反反覆覆地翻閱自己看Birdman後寫下的筆記,總覺得無論怎麼寫也是徒勞無功,寫出一段又一段自相矛盾的段落。儘管讀過Raymond Carver的書,察覺到當中那如從未停止拍攝的鏡頭,鼓聲、空間處理等諸如此類的技術細節,但即使我把這些元素都歸納總結好,so what? 那就可以令人感受到我在觀賞時得到的那種莫名奇妙的感覺嗎?我覺得那部電戲需要去看,去自我感受,既然我寫不出那種令人閱後有立即要去一看究竟的衝動,自己的討論又可能只停留在技巧的層面周旋的話,這就像自打嘴巴,告訴人家自己沒認真地去思考一些電影想引申的其他訊息。

Lilian Fu / Animating subjective facts: The reasons and methodologies of exploiting animation in documentaries.(Part 3)

Lilian Fu / Animating subjective facts: The reasons and methodologies of exploiting animation in documentaries.(Part 3)

written by Lilian Fu 2013 ** this version is slightly amended for internet publication. Various reasons and methodologies in animation documentary CASE STUDIES Silence (1998/Sylvie Bringas and Orly Yadin) Silence has an alternative approach as a documentary which narrates a damaged orphan’s childhood against the background of the Holocaust during Second World War. It proposes comprehensive strategies […]

Lilian Fu / Animating subjective facts: The reasons and methodologies of exploiting animation in documentaries.(Part 2)

Lilian Fu / Animating subjective facts: The reasons and methodologies of exploiting animation in documentaries.(Part 2)

written by Lilian Fu 2013 ** this version is slightly amended for internet publication. Various reasons and methodologies in animation documentary CASE STUDIES Animation is an art, a stance, a record of psychological and emotional memory, a technique, a concept. ~ Paul Well (1) Animation, like paintings and drawings, was once conceived as a pale representation of […]

Lilian Fu / Animating subjective facts: The reasons and methodologies of exploiting animation in documentaries.(Part 1)

Lilian Fu / Animating subjective facts: The reasons and methodologies of exploiting animation in documentaries.(Part 1)

written by Lilian Fu 2013 **This article is originated from parts of my MA degree graduation dissertation. A general exploration of documentary theories In recent years, the border between documentary and fiction films has been growing more difficult to be distinguished. Suggested by Linda Williams, the new definition of documentary films is no longer focused […]

Evans Chan’s ‘Two or Three Things about Kang Youwei’ 康有為二三事 (2012) & ‘Bauhinia’ 紫荊 (2002)

Evans Chan’s ‘Two or Three Things about Kang Youwei’ 康有為二三事 (2012) & ‘Bauhinia’ 紫荊 (2002)

Press Screening: Friday, 7:00pm, April 13, 2012 @ Floating Projects Collective / 放映後設有酒會。 Press Screenings of 2 works by director Evans Chan 陳耀成 《紫荊》Bauhinia (2002) Hong Kong, color, drama, in Chinese and English, with English and Chinese subtitles. 50 min. Commissioned by RTHK/香港電臺電視台邀約作品 (*Hong Kong premiere香港首映)  紐約2001 年。一位洋名為「紫荊」(李珺)的香港女留學生,正製作一部有關中國一子政策的記錄片。9/11恐怖襲擊突然發生,她剪接室的窗下是巳夷為平地的世貿中心。而她剛有了身孕…夏威夷電影節的Christopher Claxton 形容此片「泯滅了虛構與記實,創造出一個同時魘着片中人及觀眾的時空,令這不加渲染的9/11後的紐約更貼近人的生存的困境」。 In the aftermath of September 11, […]

Floating Projects Collective 2024