FPC members / 《吹脹.影像》繼續吹 “Expænsive Cinema”, keep blowing, keep expanding

FPC members / 《吹脹.影像》繼續吹 “Expænsive Cinema”, keep blowing, keep expanding

9 FPC artists stretch the possibilities of the moving image — the projecting apparatus, the projected image, the moving and projecting processes, projected surfaces, how and where… 九位「據點。句點」藝術家心目中的活動影像的膨脹性、膨脹度是怎樣的?他們多方對策:投影的器具、所投的影像何來、成像的過程、展示影像的「面」…

Samson Cheung /「曝光」之下 — 演後感 Notes on performing “Under Exposure”

Samson Cheung /「曝光」之下 — 演後感 Notes on performing “Under Exposure”

「相片沉了藥水後從一將白紙慢慢顯影。」這就是「曝光」。張才生就個人展覽 《從觀看說起》 及閉幕演出《「曝光」之下》給自己作了一點記錄。Artist Samson Cheung reflects on his “exposure” (exhibition and performance) in his solo show at FP last December (2016).

Vicky Do / pieces from your skin | breathing spell | pieces on my eyes

Vicky Do / pieces from your skin | breathing spell | pieces on my eyes

A poem by Vicky Do while working out “Back and Forth” videography exhibition, encountering an ocean of rich emotions in the … a reconnection with her late grandmother…

The 20 videographic works by 16 artists in “Back and Forth”
Winnie Yan / hot cakes / hard kicks

Winnie Yan / hot cakes / hard kicks

“…I am still not very used to carrying a camera. Scenes captured in the footage do not have little similarity with what I actually saw on the spot.” Winnie Yan, curator for “Back & Forth,” recalls her videography one year ago.

Kel Lok / 剩物變變變…點止怪物咁簡單!From the scraps: more than monsters!

Kel Lok / 剩物變變變…點止怪物咁簡單!From the scraps: more than monsters!

Kel Lok, FP member, artist of “Toy as Medium” and workshop host for “Monster Assemblage,” shares with us the more-than-monsters created on 3 December 2016 with visitor-participants.

Winnie Yan / 談畢業展、實驗、語言和影像 – <大頭落山:畢業作品放映會> 放映札記 Graduation show, being experimental, language and images: “be the rolling stones”
Kel Lok / Growing up… through the toys I made: “That Model” 如何長大:留給「未來的自己」的《那盒模型》
Andio Lai / 4WD fragments 四驅的鎖碎記憶 [“Toy as Medium” count-down]
Lai Wai-leung / Military Miniature, My Toy, My Medium: A Maker’s Journal 軍事模型,我的媒體 ,我的玩具:玩家日誌 [“Toy as Medium” count-down]
Floating Projects Collective 2024